Episode 115

Frank Dorland -- The Crystal Skull and much more...

Holy Ice, Batman — just kidding, of course — in this Timeless Voyager Interview (circa 1997), Bruce Stephen Holms, Host of Timeless Voyager Press was able to quiz Frank Dorland on the incredible world of “quartz crystals” and of course the “WORLD FAMOUS CRYSTAL SKULL”. 

Clear quartz is also known as "Rock Crystal". The Greeks originally named Quartz "Krystallos", meaning ice, but this soon became the word used for all crystals - not just quartz crystals. 

This is why some refer to quartz as "Holy Ice". To the Japanese, quartz is representative of perfection, so they highly prize flawless ultra-clear quartz, which is becoming increasingly rare and hard to find. Feng Shui practitioners also draw upon the amplifying and harmonizing energies of clear quartz crystal - the clearer the better.

As many people will attest, sometimes when crystal skulls appear in your life, they may take you on a wonderful new path. For Frank, it was the beginning of his research into all aspects of quartz, from its history, to traditional uses and its technological applications.

This remarkable interview is for newbies and those who believe they know quartz crystals

About the Podcast

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Timeless Voyager Series
The Knowledge Is Timeless...You Are The Voyager

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Bruce Holms

Timeless Voyager Series

From 1987 through 1994 Timeless Voyager Radio was broadcast over 200+ radio stations world-wide in most top 50 radio markets in the US, Canada, and Short-Wave world-wide. Bruce Stephen Holms, the Timeless Voyager host started the radio program on KCSB 91.9 in Santa Barbara, CA in the fall of 1987.

It consisted of interviews with leading edge speakers in the fields of UFOs, Extraterrestial encounters, Alternative and Natural Health modalities, Channeling, Psychic Phenomena, Cryptozoology (Bigfoot/Sasquatch), Religio-Political, and Seers who explain The quest for Enlightenment.

What made Timeless Voyager Radio different was the program was broadcast at 9 am Monday morning “drive time” instead of the usual late night hours that was reserved for “para-normal” programs. It was launched from a college radio station in 1987 and by 1990 Timeless Voyager Radio was enjoyed by listeners of commercial radio stations in the US and in most parts of the world over short wave radio until it was retired from live broadcasting in late 1994 .

Now you can enjoy the library of over 200 remastered programs in podcast format on demand. And soon there will be new programs issued.